FAHR Newsletter Articles

We will be featuring some articles the FAHR Tidings (FAHR's quarterly publication) here.

Title Author Vol No Date
Red Eagle's Peacock F1476
An Anthology of Fact and Fame
Suzanne V. Pabst 3 2 Apr/May/Jun 2000
Look Beneath the Spots! Mary P. Hare 3 1 Jan/Feb/Mar 2000
Heredity and Genetics Farrell Henry 2 4 Oct/Nov/Dec 1999
Evolution of the Appaloosa Ralph S. Cannon 2 3 Jul/Aug/Sep 1999
a bit of history....
Mary P. Hare 2 2 Apr/May/Jun 1999
The Significance of "Image" Farrell Henry 2 1 Jan/Feb/Mar 1999
Red Tops Mary P. Hare 2 1 Jan/Feb/Mar 1999

More articles to come...

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