The breeding of Foundation Appaloosas has significantly declined over the last 30 years, as breeders of Foundation Appaloosas abandoned their 'purebred' programs in favor of crossbreeding their Appaloosas with Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds, and Arabians to meet the continuing demands of the race track and show ring. A few hard-core breeders, determined to maintain the integrity of the Appaloosa bloodlines, continued to breed Appaloosa to Appaloosa. Despite their valiant effort, some bloodlines have totally disappeared while others have diminished drastically. Current statistics indicate less than 3,000 Foundation Appaloosas carrying 75% or greater Appaloosa blood, as determined by FAHR, exist in the world today! These horses are registered with the ApHC and its foreign affiliates along with the 'Modern' (horses that have continued to be crossbred upon crossbred) Appaloosa.
Currently FAHR is the only organization in the world to establish the Foundation Appaloosa as a distinct breed. The objective of FAHR is to locate and identify these few remaining Foundation Appaloosas in an organized effort to reestablish this declining breed worldwide. The strict registration requirements of FAHR are intended to preserve the Foundation Appaloosa. For without the successful recovery of seed stock, the 'Modern' Appaloosa and the Foundation Appaloosa breed will not survive.