Height varies from 14.2 to 16.0 hands tall, and weight varies from 950 to 1250 pounds. The
minimum height for a mature Appaloosa is 14.0 hands. There is no maximum height, and 17.0
hands is sometimes seen. Weight is to be in proportion to the size and frame of the horse.
Registered Appaloosas should not carry pony, draft, Pinto/Paint or Albino breeding.
The Nez Perce spotted horses were reputedly a speedy, handsome animal with great endurance and athletic build. Today, the ideal Appaloosa TYPE would be described as a well balanced "middle-of-the-road" horse. The general appearance of the Appaloosa should be well muscled, symmetrical and smooth, with a clean throat latch, prominent and well defined withers, short appearing back and sloping croup, a long sloping hip, deep heart girth and long underline, long sloping shoulders with a deep chest (not excessively wide), short and flat cannon bones, medium long and sloping pasterns. Their way-of-going is ground covering (not choppy), smooth and easy. Because the breed is versatile, one sees many variations of type to fit the uses.
Genetically, Appaloosas come by their characteristics the same way as any other horse breed. As in most breeding, Appaloosas of good type and known breeding are in demand as breeding stock. However, Appaloosas have an added dimension not considered in most horse breeds: coat color, mottled skin, white sclera and striped hooves.