FAHR Member Links

The American Leopard Horse Ranch (WA)
The most Intensely bred Leopard to Leopard Foundation Appaloosa herd in the Pacific NorthWest.
Bloom N Spot (FL)
Bloom N Spots Farm produces the highest quality, most intensely foundation bred seed stock available on the market today for the knowledgeable customer who is seeking an Appaloosa horse.
Brandyhaven Horse Farm (NJ)
Specializing in colorful, foundation Appaloosas and other breeds as well. We have loved and worked with horses over 52 years. We have two foundation Appaloosa stallions for your consideration. Our babies are all painstakingly imprinted at birth. They have been born with color, conformation, intelligence and wonderful dispositions. Putting these traits all together, in one horse, is exceptional.
Decker's Red Eagle Appaloosas (OR)
The Deckers strive to improve the beautiful spotted Appaloosa through selective breeding of quality horses with the purest FOUNDATION bloodlines.
DoubleF Appaloosas (Austria)
We Believe in the True Appaloosa: Unser bestreben ist es, das "Foundation Appaloosa Horse" als Eigenstaendige Pferderasse zu erhalten und zu foerdern. Wir Zuechten ausschliesslich Appaloosa X Appaloosa mit ausgesuchten Pferden aus den Gruendungsblutlinien.
Eastowest Appaloosas
We are dedicated to preserving and promoting the Foundation Appaloosa as a breed, and we maintain a purebred Appaloosa x Appaloosa breeding herd from selected stock.
FireWind Appaloosa Horses (WA)
We are breeders of quality Foundation and Modern Appaloosa horses, as well as AraAppaloosas in the ever-changing Pacific Northwest.
Greywolf Farms (MN)
Located in South Central Minnesota a short distance from the scenic Minnesota River Valley and historic Fort Ridgely. We concentrate on foundation bred leopard Appaloosas
Hi Mountain Hollow (NY)
Breeders of black-and-white, foundation-bred, "all-day Appaloosas" carrying the bloodlines of Sundance, Patchy/Patchy Jr., Shavano, Chief Chelsea, Looka, Chub's Powderface, Simcoe's Sarcee, Comanche, Little Navajo Joe, and The Ghost Wind Stallions. Born and raised on over 120 acres in the rolling hills of New York State's southern tier, building sound, athletic, happy horses from Day One...
Indian Oakes (NC)
We specialize in breed Appaloosas and Foundation Quarter Horses, which have the sense to be a member of the family, and the look to be your next show horse. We believe that the Appaloosa and Quarter horse are two distinctly different breeds and we maintain breed integrity for both.
Rock Run Stock Farm (WV)
We strive to produce quality foundation-bred Appaloosas and Colorado Rangerbreds with modern eye-appeal, balance, and conformation.
Soaring Hawk Appaloosas (MI)
Foundation Leopard Breeding - Flying High Above the Rest.
Southern Winds Ranch (MS)
Offers high quality Foundation Appaloosas that are bred for intelligence, conformation, and performance. Southern Winds is a 400 acre working ranch where our horses are expected to earn their keep on a daily basis. We find that the Foundation Appaloosa is a natural candidate for the job. Most of our Appaloosas are FPD, FAHR, & CRHA qualified.
Stoney Hill Appaloosa's (MI)
Breeder of Appaloosa Horses for show or pleasure Horses with Color, Conformation and people friendly Breeding with Older Foundation Bloodlines Horses that will do it All
Sugarland Appaloosas (AL)
Located in Southeast Alabama. we are dedicated to breeding foundation leopard Appaloosas.
Tanglewood Farm (NJ)
We are a small farm, breeding quality appaloosas with foundation bloodlines that produce the modern look to Halter and Ride. We strive for quality, disposition, soundness and color.
Thunder Sky Appaloosas (CO)
At Thunder Sky Appaloosas, we are dedicated to the preservation of the Foundation Appaloosa Horse. We are part of a small group of dedicated breeders that have located and preserved the remaining Foundation Appaloosas bloodlines and are breeding Appaloosa to Appaloosa to ensure that as a breed, the Appaloosa Horse is not lost.
Trails End Ranch (MO)
Breeders and Suppliers of Fine Foundation Leopard Appaloosa Horses
Wakon Appaloosa Horses Website (WA)
Wakon Appaloosa Ranch is located in the heart of the beautiful Cascade Mountains, in Darrington, Washington. The stunning herd of black & white, foundation bred appaloosas, thrives on the lush mountain pastures at Wakon. Mares, foals and stallions graze contentedly on the natural wilderness grasses as they have been doing for hundreds of years
Wild Wish Farm (NY)
Wild Wish Farm offers a fine selection of foundation-bred Appaloosa horses. Our specialty is the leopard color pattern on a good conformation, excellent dispositioned, people oriented horse, many of whom do the 'Indian Shuffle", that are ready to be your life long friend.

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